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[Baekjoon/Python3] 15439번 Vera and Outfits 본문

Programming/Python & Data Structures

[Baekjoon/Python3] 15439번 Vera and Outfits

HooNeee 2020. 12. 8. 16:26

[Baekjoon/Python3] 15439번 Vera and Outfits




15439번: Vera and Outfits

Vera owns N tops and N pants. The i-th top and i-th pants have colour i, for 1 ≤ i ≤ N, where all N colours are different from each other. An outfit consists of one top and one pants. Vera likes outfits where the top and pants are not the same colour.



n = int(input())
print(n * (n - 1))